Home Societies Special RAT drive at coal mines in Dhanbad

Special RAT drive at coal mines in Dhanbad


Keeping in view the success of rapid antigen Test (RAT) in detection of Corona positive cases the Dhanbad district administration is to get mass test at coal mines of Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) and Eastern Coalfields Limited( ECL) besides other locations to break corona chain .

The target is to achieve ten thousand tests in a day on Tuesday to break the corona chain ,said Uma Shankar Singh deputy commissioner -cum- chairman of the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA).

It’s worth mentioning here that the large workforce of both the coal mining companies that remain untested baring those who were tested after has come in contact with any particular miner, who was found positive.

Though the tests would not be sufficient keeping in view the over 43,000 miners in rolls of BCCL in addition to those working with the outsourced coal mining companies operating within the jurisdiction of the company.

ECL too has a good number of miners on rolls at coal mines within Dhanbad district.

According to the deputy commissioner(DC) ,besides the coal mines those coming from West Bengal towards Jharkhand via Chirkunda check point on National highway 2 would also have to undergo tests .

Yet another vulnerable location according to DC happens to be the railway stations; this test camp would be held at Dhanbad and Gomoh stations for all passengers who arrived at these stations from other states.

Focus would also be on visitors and workers working commercial complexes of Dhanbad during the drive,he said.

According to an available report more than fifty five thousand tests have been conducted in Dhanbad since the tests commenced.

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