Home CIL & SCCL SECL ramping up its mining technology massively

SECL ramping up its mining technology massively


Being the largest coal producing subsidiary of Coal India Ltd (CIL), SECL produced 150.50 MT of coal in fiscal 2019-20, contributing to over 25% of CIL’s total coal output

Bilaspur, August 27: With the demand in coal rising daily and CIL having set an ambitious target of producing 1 billion tonne of coal by FY 2023-24, SECL would have a significant share in this huge target, and it is massively upgrading its mining technology to achieve it.

Being the largest coal producing subsidiary of Coal India Ltd (CIL), SECL produced 150.50 MT of coal in fiscal 2019-20, contributing to over 25% of CIL’s total coal output.

Now, SECL is gearing up to meet the perennially increasing coal requirement in India with the deployment of the state-of-the-art mining technology. It has procured a large number of Heavy Earth Moving Machines (HEMM) at a capital expenditure of ₹1,457 crores, and deployed them in its mines, including the Gevra and Kusmunda Open Cast Mines.

The Gevra, Kusmunda and Dipika Open Cast Mines are the mega projects of SECL and have a huge bearing on its annual coal production. With the induction of these HEMM, the total mine capacity for Overburden Removal increases from 138.52 Million CuM (as on April 1, 2020) to 166.42 Million CuM (on April 1, 2021). With the right coordination of man and machines being a must for coal mining, SECL is also inducting a large number of manpower for mining operations.

Also, two new mines were started in SECL during FY 2019-20. First, the Bijari Open Cast in Raigarh and second, the Jagannathpur Open Cast in Bhatgaon.