Nainital: The Uttarakhand high court (HC) on Tuesday directed the Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited (UPCL) to produce the electricity bills after its compliance report informed the court that it has installed meters at the residences of most of its employees. The direction from the bench of Acting Chief Justice Ravi Malimath and Justice Ramesh Chandra Khulbe came while it was hearing a Public Interest Litigation highlighting unlimited use of electricity by the UPCL employees virtually free of cost.
The counsel representing the UPCL informed the bench that the corporation has already installed meters at the residence of most of its former and serving officials and that the meters are functioning. “The court, however, directed them to submit the bills from these meters so that they are taken on record to be functioning and it should be made clear the UPCL employees are finally paying the bills,” said a counsel who appeared in the hearing.
The court has given the UPCL two weeks’ time to produce the electricity bills before the court.