Home Coal Update Power Bill opposed by Telanagana electricity engineers association

Power Bill opposed by Telanagana electricity engineers association


The Telangana Electricity Engineers Association (TEEA) today urged the Government of the Union to drop the proposed bill amending the Electricity Act, 2003.

In a letter to the Chief Engineer of the Union Ministry of Power, TEEA President N Sivaji highlighted the state-specific issues pertaining to Telangana and claimed that control of the Center should be limited to the extent of inter-state generation and transmission, as these sectors were strategic at national level. “There is no need for the Union government to interfere in local matters as the States are empowered to deal with such matters as per the concurrent list of the Constitution,” he said.

He also pointed out that, because the distribution was eventually made by the States, due to its particular criteria, it should be left to the States, such as free power for farmers in Telangana. “The High Court of Madras has stated that electricity supply is a legal right and that the denial of electricity is a violation of human rights,” Sivaji said, adding that cross-subsidy can not be eliminated.

The approach is piecemeal

The proposed amendments to the existing Act were partial. It seemed to take away the functions and powers of the government of the state, the TEEA said. Quoting the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Energy, the association stated that, since electricity was a concurrent subject, the suggestions of the Member States should be given equal weighting and consideration.

The Association also opposed the proposed amendment on the distribution of sub-licensees, which stated that it would lead to unnecessary litigation and confusion. It was noted that the establishment of a contract enforcement authority would restrict the jurisdiction of the Commissions of State Electricity Regulation. Commenting on the compulsory purchase obligation proposed by the Centre, which stipulates the compulsory purchase of non-conventional energy, the Association stated that any national renewable energy policy should be formulated with the consent of the governments of the Member States.