Home Coal Update PEECC asks Govt to implement 50 percent attendance

PEECC asks Govt to implement 50 percent attendance


Power Employees and Engineers Coordination Committee (PEECC) today in a meeting urged the Government of Jammu and Kashmir to implement Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Circular No F. No. 11013/9/2014-Estt.A-III dated 19th April 2021 which has asked for only 50 percent attendance/roaster based and that too in staggered timings in Government offices due to the unprecedented surge in the COVID cases and fatalities.
The meeting was attended by Sachin Tickoo its convenor, Ashok Kumar Dubey, vice-president, JKEEGA, Er. Jaipal Sharma, president DEA, Sanjeev Bali, president, PPEU, Ajaz Kazmi, Anil Slathia, lineman and Workers Union, Jasbir Singh ITI Employees ,H.D Singh, TEF, Tarun Gupta, president, PDEU, Balbir Singh Draftsman Association, Jasbir Singh ITI Employees, Kulbir Singh, EEU among others
It said that as far as Power Development Department (PDD) is concerned its staff is ensuring 24×7 power supply throughout the Union Territory and meeting the demand of the Healthcare system in an excellent manner.
Sachin Tickoo, sought that the non-essential assignments of DPRs/LOAs/Contract Committee meetings and tendering is being pushed aggressively even during COVID surge by the High Powered Committee of Power Sector. It is requested that Committee should revisit the deadlines of the various new projects as the employees are at risk of contracting COVID as workplaces are overcrowded due to immense pressure of meeting the deadline. Already since last 21 days there have been over 100 employees within PDD who have tested positive and some of them lost their lives and some are in hospitals battling the virus.
If the surge in cases within Power Development Department (PDD) is not arrested, it could send the essential power supply maintenance also into jittery. At this juncture only smooth maintenance of power supply should be the priority optimum staff utilization should be done.
He urged that Government must set up mass vaccination centers for priority vaccination of PDD employees in line with the Ministry of Power DO. No-Sec[P]/Misc./2021 Dated-26th April 2021 highlighting the need for priority vaccination of the Power sector employees, he added.
While we have been requesting that employees of PDD being front line workers in the fight against COVID-19 are at risk of fatalities and need a social security/insurance cover of Rupees 50.00 lacs like the healthcare, police, sanitation workers in case of death due to COVID -19 and be treated as Corona Warriors.