Home Coal Update Panel to suggest way out of power sector losses

Panel to suggest way out of power sector losses


Stating that the state power sector, which is “struggling” with aggregate power distribution companies (Discoms) losses of Rs 30,000 crore and outstanding debt of Rs 80,000 crore, has a scope for “significant reforms”, the state government has constituted an expert committee to suggest a way out. The committee, which will particularly study the human resources issues plaguing the sector, has been tasked to submit a comprehensive report in 45 days.

A government order (RT 1126) issued by chief secretary Aditya Nath Das on Wednesday, noted that operating power companies efficiently ensures that consumers were not burdened with high tariffs and that public finances were not “unnecessarily strained” so that the government can use its “limited resources” for the most deserving among several competing issues.

“The power sector in Andhra Pradesh is struggling with aggregate Discoms losses of about Rs 30,000 crore, sectoral debts outstanding of about Rs 80,000 crore, and high industrial tariffs. The quality of service has scope for significant reforms. Therefore, keeping the future of the companies in perspective, there is an imperative need to examine the issues related to human resources and suggest improvement measures,” the order said.

The panel will undertake a comprehensive review of the manpower planning policy in all the companies of the sector, bench-marking with progressive states, bring out legal and financial implications and give appropriate recommendations for strengthening the power sector, the order added.

The committee consists of three members: retired High Court judge justice Krishna Mohan Reddy, retired grid director of APTRANSCO Nagaraja Swamy, and professor Usha Ramachandran, Administrative College Staff of India.

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