Home eAuction Details MCL to sell coal through exclusive e-auction scheme for Non-Power Consumer (Including...

MCL to sell coal through exclusive e-auction scheme for Non-Power Consumer (Including CPPs) for Phase IV


Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) has offered to sell coal by Rail and Road mode to the Non-Power Consumer through Exclusive e-Auction for Non-Power Producers (Including CPPs) for 2020-21 Phase IV for 52 lakhs tonnes by road mode and 60 lakh tonnes by rail mode. The e-Auction will be conducted by M/s. mjunction services limited on 8th October 2020 for rail and road as per the scheme of Exclusive e-Auction for Non-Power Producers and modalities modified to the extent as notified in the websites of MCL/ Service Providers for the said phase of the e-Auction. The participants will have to register themselves with the Service Provider by visiting their websites, and the registration, which will be a continuous process, will be allowed for participation for only those whose EMD is available in the bidders a/c with the Service Provider. The Modalities, format of Bank Guarantee, details of schedules of date for Exclusive e-Auction for Non-Power Producers (Including CPPs) will be notified separately in the website of MCL and Service Provider.

For further details regarding the e-auction, such as Quantity, Sources/Grades, Floor Prices, Earnest Money Deposit and other terms and conditions, MCL requests all the concerned to contact M/s. mjunction services limited on website/address or by visiting the office at Kolkata or MCL Office, Burla, Sambalpur on the above address or at the address given in the website.