Home eAuction Details MCL offers coal through special forward e-auction scheme for Power Producers (Excluding...

MCL offers coal through special forward e-auction scheme for Power Producers (Excluding CPPs) for Phase IV


Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) has offered to sell coal by Rail and Road mode to the Power Producers through Special Forward e-Auction for Power Producers (Excluding CPPs) for 2020-21 Phase IV for 79 lakhs tonnes by road mode and 119 lakh tonnes by rail mode. The e-Auction will be conducted by M/s. mjunction services limited on 8th October 2020 for rail and road as per the scheme of Special Forward e-Auction for Power Producers and modalities modified to the extent as notified in the websites of MCL/ Service Providers for the said phase of the e-Auction. The participants will have to register themselves with the Service Provider by visiting their websites, and the registration, which will be a continuous process, will be allowed for participation for only those whose EMD is available in the bidders a/c with the Service Provider M/s. mjunction services limited, Kolkata. The Modalities, format of Bank Guarantee, details of schedules of date for this phase of Special Forward e-Auction will be notified separately in the website of MCL and Service Provider.

For further details regarding the e-auction, such as Quantity, Sources/Grades, Floor Prices, Earnest Money Deposit and other terms and conditions, MCL requests all the concerned to contact M/s. mjunction services limited on website/address or by visiting the office at Kolkata or MCL Office, Burla, Sambalpur on the above address or at the address given in the website.