Home CIL & SCCL Interview for promotion of BCCL officials from 28th August

Interview for promotion of BCCL officials from 28th August


Shortlisted candidates to be interviewed through video conference

Dhanbad, August 25: A DPC Board 2 has been formed for promotion of BCCL officers, according to which, the board will interview officers for promotion from E7 to E8 on 28th and 29th August through video conference. Its cut-off date has been kept on 30th September, 2019. Call manager industrial engineering system and manager of the DP Material Management Department at the level of chief manager will be able to participate in the interview.

Those who have been shortlisted for the interview include Chief Manager DC Jha, Hiranand Mishra, Srinivas Singh, NK Suresh, Pradeep Mahato, Satish Kumar Sinha, Satyendra Kumar, from Call Preparation Department. They will be interviewed on 28th at 10:00 am on Level-1 of Coal Bhavan through video conference in the conferencing hall. Parth Sarkar of Industrial Engineering will also be interviewed on the same day from 11:30 am. Achintya Ghosh and Abhijeet Pal of System & ADP will be interviewed on 29th from 2:00 pm while Vibhuti Bhushan Kulbhushan and RK Singh of Materials Management Interview is to be held from 10:00 on 29th August