Irked by the cold response from power consumers to the repeated instalment offers to clear their heavy dues, the Noida division of power distribution company – Pashchimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (PVVNL) – has decided to cut supply to as many as 1.1 lakh defaulters in the district from October 15. Their dues tally up to ₹33.75 crore, discom officials said.
PVVNL chief engineer Virendra Nath Singh said the discom has already prepared a list of defaulters. “It has been classified into three categories. Of the 1.1 lakh defaulters, 60,000 have not paid their bills for at least one year and their dues amount to over ₹28.5 crore. The second category has 24,500 who have not paid their bills for the past six months and their total dues are ₹5 crore. The third category is of 25,500 defaulters who have not cleared their dues for the past three months and have dues of ₹3.25 crore,” he said.
He further said PVVNL has already started sending notices to the first lot of 60,000 defaulters. “We’ll start disconnecting their supply from October 15, even though the festive season is beginning soon. We are not going to hear their pleas or give them grace time as all our instalment offers to clear dues were ignored. Without clearing their full outstanding dues, their supply will not be restored,” he said.
The chief engineer also said without proper revenue generation, it will be impossible for the distribution companies to improve the power scenario in the district. “Notices to the second and third category of defaulters will be issued in the third and fourth week of October, respectively. After seven days of serving the notice, we’ll start disconnecting their supply as well,” he added.