Home CIL & SCCL CIL seeks approval of WCL-VRS from Ministry of Coal

CIL seeks approval of WCL-VRS from Ministry of Coal


Proposal has been made in view of reducing high wage/production cost resulting from huge surplus manpower due to closure of mines.

Nagpur, August 20: Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Mr. Pramod Agarwal seeking approval of Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for Non-Executive cadre employees of Western Coalfields Ltd. (WCL) wrote a letter to the Ministry of Coal after approval from WCL Board of Directors, which was sent on September 3, 2018.

Subsequently, several communications were made for approval of WCL-VRS between the Ministry of Coal and Coal India Ltd. (CIL). However, after certain modification to the scheme and after approval from WCL Board of Directors, the scheme was again sent to the Ministry of Coal on June 19, 2020 for approval.

The scheme was proposed by WCL as it has surplus manpower due closure of mines, resulting in higher wage/production cost, this proposed VRS will help them to reduce the overall cost and improve their efficiency as well.

“Additionally, on the approval of WCL-VRS, it may be adopted by other subsidiaries of CIL too, as a model scheme to reduce surplus manpower, as per their need”, Pramod Agrawal mentioned in letter, requesting the Ministry of Coal to expedite approval of WCL-VRS.