Home Energy Security Andhra Pradesh: Power department gears up to meet cyclone Yaas challenge

Andhra Pradesh: Power department gears up to meet cyclone Yaas challenge


Energy secretary Nagulapalli Srikant has directed the power department to be prepared to tackle any kind of emergencies when cyclone Yaas gathers pace. He conducted a video conference with officials on Monday and enquired about the cyclone preparedness of the power department.
Discoms said they were conducting meetings at the district-level to tackle situations in the event of cyclones and heavy rains during the southwest monsoon. They added that discoms were carrying out periodic pre-monsoon inspection and maintenance of all lines.
Srikanth directed discoms to issue instructions to all SEs/operation to ensure to keep their men and all required materials ready at strategic locations for rectification of works in case of any breakdown. He also directed the officials to procure walkie talkies and other devices for communication.
The CMDs of discoms said that executive engineers / tech. of circle office, executive engineers / operation shall be made in charge of mobilisation of generators and restoration of electricity. An officer shall be nominated to liaison with revenue officers at the mandal, revenue division and district levels during the period of calamity to attend to all the problems.
Depending on the expected intensity of the calamity, the power feeding the vulnerable areas should be hand tripped to disconnect supply to safeguard equipment, life and property, he said.

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