Home Environmental Impact WGEEP suspects coal transportation behind push for Mollem projects: Madhav Gadgil

WGEEP suspects coal transportation behind push for Mollem projects: Madhav Gadgil


Rapid and cheap transportation of coal berths at Vasco Da Gama port fuelling linear projects: Madhav Gadgil

Goa, August 19: Madhav Gadgil , noted ecologist and chairman, Western Ghats Ecology Experts’ Panel (WGEEP), said he that he suspected the three linear projects, including highway and railway line expansion, being pushed through ecologically sensitive Mollem national park and sanctuary areas for facilitation of coal transport from Vasco port.

“The coal berths at the Vasco da Gama port, that are promoting the interests of some very influential parties, have been a matter of great controversy over the past few years. The coal needs to be rapidly and cheaply transported, and it seems very likely that the controversial linear projects through the ecologically sensitive Mollem area are driven by these considerations”, Gadgil said.

A recommendations for protection of Western Ghats and other measures had been submitted to the ministry of environment, forests and climate change in August 2011 by Gadgil and his team in the WGEEP report.

“These recommendations were made nine years back without considering some important factors, especially airports and seaports. I have now realised that these are very critical issues for the Western Ghats. In Goa itself, there is a proposal for the Mopa airport”, Gadgil reiterated.

The government on its part has remained steadfast about Mopa airport being suitable for catering to future growth, boosting the economy and facilitating cargo movements. However, Critics have alleged about the project not being economically viable, but still being promoted to cater to real estate interests under the guise of public interest.

“The surplus land would then be handed over to other influential parties to set up hotels and resorts as has happened with Delhi and many other airports”, Gadgil said, stating further the importance of considering increasing threats from climate change at the current stage.

“The Arabian Sea is getting warmer year by year and has now become warm enough that for the first time ever a super cyclone, Nisarg has hit the west coast at Raigad district of Maharashtra on June 3. Over the years, there are bound to be more on the west coast, even hitting Goa and, for all we know, may destroy the Vasco da Gama port”, Gadgil cautioned.

The Western Ghats had to be classified into zones of three levels of ecological sensitivity, suggested the WGEEP panel. The most sensitive localities ecologically to be categorized as ESZ1, those with medium level of sensitivity as ESZ2 and those with lower levels of sensitivity as ESZ3. The critically important areas such as Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks to be included in the ecologically most sensitive zone ESZ1, with basically no interference of any sort.