Home CIL & SCCL BCCL approves manual loading for coal

BCCL approves manual loading for coal


The leaders, adamant on the demand for manual loading, which was not allowed in the previous auction. The government previously did not allow manual loading to maintain physical distance.

Dhanbad, July 30: BCCL has approved the manual loading of coal. The company had offered 2.65 lakh tonnes of coal in spot e-Auction on 30th and 31st July. Under which, a total of 77,900 Tonne of Coal and 127400 Tonne of Washery Products by Road mode & 60000 Tonne of washery products by Rail Mode were included. For this, the last date of coal value deposit has been kept as August 12. On the second day, on July 31, through M/s MSTC Ltd., 50,000 tons of coal was auctioned for Road Sale. For this, the last date for the deposition of coal value has been kept on 13 August. The additional expenses under manual loading are to be borne by the traders themselves.

This is the first time after the lockdown the company has approved manual loading of coal for Road Mode auction. This has brought a lot of relief to auction donors. In the earlier auction, traders were not able to fully lift coal even after the 45-day period, as they had not been allowed for manual loading.

Coal could be lifted from a few collieries due to lack of manual loading, the coal from May auction could not be fully lifted from anywhere except a few collieries. According to coal traders, despite the completion of 45 days of the July 24 auction, coal could not be fully lifted. The businessmen had to return with empty trucks. The auction was for ROM (running of mine) coal. Businessmen were ready, but Labor leaders did not allow loading as they were demanding manual loading. In many places, despite loading coal from the Pay loader, the traders had to pay the loading charge to the labourers for free.

Even BCCL could not supply enough according to traders, by the time it was agreed to give manual loading charge, it was late. In the last 8-10 days, BCCL could not produce the same quantity of coal from the mine as it was auctioned. Although there is a lot of coal in stock, traders did not take it due to its poor quality.